Matthias Reidans
Rosenberger-OSI GmbH & Co. OHG (Project Consulting Services)

Matthias Reidans studied philosophy at the JWG-university Frankfurt am Main. In 1999 he successfully completed the education “Berater EDV/Telekommunikation”, at Gesellschaft für informationsverarbeitende Berufe Mainz. After 15 years with IBM and 5 years with Integrated Cloud Solutions GmbH and tecRacer Project Management GmbH he works as senior project manager in the service division of Rosenberger Optical Solutions& Infrastructure. He specialized in data center consolidation, transformation projects and is investigating the innovative potential of quantum technology for the data center business.
Rosenberger-OSI GmbH & Co. OHG
mit Teilnahme Zertifikat vom NMWP & BSKI
Das Thema Quantentechnologien und Quantencomputing stellt Entscheiderinnen und Entscheider in Unternehmen vor viele Herausforderungen.